Crazy Commuter Karaoke on the Highway of Hell

As I told you about in a previous post I get to drive on Route 66 which can only be described as the Highway of Hell (HoH).  It is a highway with a lot of stop and go traffic that never seems to end.  I know everyone has their own HoH but my area is in the top 2 of the highest level of traffic for almost every survey in the US.  Living outside of Washington, DC means that not only do you have the normal commuters on the road but the tourists too.  There is no public transportation out where I live and if I decide that I want to use the Metro system I still have to drive on the HoH to get to it so it doesn’t really help at all!

When I look at my fellow commuters there are a couple of things I have started to notice in their expressions.  They are either frustrated that this is happening to them yet again (seriously why are you still shocked) or have become resigned to the fact that this will be their life due to the lack of other alternatives.  It is a look of pure hopelessness!!  So they do things to entertain themselves like putting on make-up, texting on their phones, talking over their Bluetooth or banging on the steering wheel in frustration.  (Yes there are those that also use a lot of obscene gestures but I try to ignore them.)

For me, I take that time to do one of the many things I love to do…Commuter Karaoke!!  It is my way of dealing with the stress of life while entertaining myself and those around me.  You may have seen others sing in their cars but trust me that you haven’t seen anything yet.  It is like a one-person party in my car. I just need the disco ball, lights and adult beverage to complete my vision.

Side Note:  I really wouldn’t mind a nice adult beverage during my commute but the law frowns on that in my state (and most other states too I would guess).  My afternoon commute alone necessitates at least a glass of wine or maybe a couple of tequila shots.  It is truly a nightmare and I don’t even commute as far as a lot of people I know in the area.  Now…before everyone gets all worked up saying I am condoning drinking and driving let me say right now “I AM NOT!!”  I just said it would be nice, but it is illegal so don’t try to blame me for people that are too stupid to know better.  I am barely capable of being responsible for myself and my youngest (the other 2 don’t count because they are over 18) so I don’t need the pressure of being responsible for everyone else too.  Seriously!  Grow up and handle yourself!

When I am doing Commuter Karaoke I add to the excitement by using my satellite radio instead of a playlist.  This way it is a game of chance when I just scan through the channels because I never know what song will come on.  I have channels programmed for the hits from the 1950s to today, country, classic rock, hair bands and even some comedy.  (No…I don’t try to sing to the comedians on the comedy channels but who knows what might come up on it so I keep them programmed).  What always amazes me is how often I know the lyrics to music from the 1950s (thanks to my parents) to today but yet I cannot tell you what I had for dinner last night or what day I met my husband.

Second Side Note:  My husband swears he knows when the first time we met was and also when we had our first date.  How is that possible?  I think he just randomly picked a couple of dates before our wedding date and passes them off as the actual dates.  He comes across looking like he is this amazing romantic husband for remembering while I look horrible forgetful wife for not remembering.   He will never admit this, but I am pretty sure that I am right!

I think this all goes back to my earworm susceptibility which we all know is very high.  Of all the types of music that are out there, I would have to say that 1980s Hair Bands and 1990s Pop are my favorites.  I really get moving when it is an 1980s Power Ballad.  If you were born in the 1970s or 1980s you know exactly what kind of song I am talking about because it always brings back memories.  (Hopefully good ones.)  In order for me to give such a powerful song the justice it deserves I will go full out by playing keyboards on my steering wheel, flipping my hair around with dramatic flair, using expressive voices and doing an epic air guitar solo.  It is truly a work of art and a performance of such amazingness (my new word) you cannot look away.   Seriously!!  Don’t look away!!  Please!!

I do believe that those around me on the HoH are probably thankful for the entertainment I provide every morning and afternoon.  I think that they look at me and think…”Thank God I am not in the car with that woman!” or “Wow I wish she would roll down her windows so we could both have that much fun and our own party!”  I like to think that it is the second but I am betting it is the first. In this wonderful age of technology, I feel that I am brave and selfless for doing this for all to see.  Why you ask?  I’m sure the chances of one of my fellow commuters recording me is pretty high but I don’t care because I do this for the betterment of society.  It’s not like anything else can come of it.

Last Side Note:  Let me stop and think about this for a minute.  Maybe if one of my fellow commuters puts up a recording on social media I might become an internet sensation.  I can see it all now!  That recording could lead to a book deal, talk show appearances and superstardom!  Wait…there is one thing that could ruin it all….it is if they actually want to hear me sing.  That will cause the whole entertainment cycle to come to a screeching halt…unless I can do it in the shower because we all know no one sounds bad in the shower!  Ugghh!  Let’s be real about this…having to do my Crazy Karaoke in the shower would be embarrassing for a whole different reason so that won’t work either.

So the next time you are on your own HoH (or even just waiting to pick-up the kids), turn up the radio and sing along.  That way I won’t be the only one on the road looking like the crazy person.  Also, if you happen to see me on the HoH and want to join in just let me know so we can have the windows down crazy commuter party I have always dreamed of.


To my readers:  Thank you so much for reading this, please share it, and ROCK ON!!