My Parents and Shock

I have the most amazing parents. These two people are funny, adventurous, and enjoy life. In my mind my parents are in their late 50s to mid 60s. Yes, we have celebrated each of their’s 70th birthdays but that hasn’t changed what I see. They truly enjoy being retired. They cruise, play cards, go on road trips and other fun things. They also volunteer at their church and spend time tooling around in a two-seater convertible. Plus they come help us when we need them (major bonus). I just see two people in love having a good time. 

Then it happened and honestly I’m still in shock. We were hanging around Christmas morning. I was heating up the quiche and turned around. I looked and saw my parents sitting in the recliners. I actually had to lean back against the counter because my entire world in that moment had been thrown off its axis. What was I so shocked to realize?  My parents have gotten OLD!  Yes, old!  When did this happen?  I know my kids and grandkids are growing up and getting older but when did my parents?  This is not something I can easily come to terms with nor do I want to. 

Before you ask, yes I told my parents what I realized. As you might expect my timing was not the best. Picture this:  We were in the surgery center of the hospital. My Mom was on a gurney/bed with an IV in one arm and a blood pressure cuff trying to squeeze her other arm so tight it could cut off her circulation. She was all prepped and ready to go back for her foot operation. My Dad was sitting in the chair at the end of the gurney/bed. We are chatting about a variety of topics while we are waiting and I decide to tell them the story of Christmas morning. So at the most ackward time possible I, their loving daughter and only child, told them they are old. Great send off…Good luck in surgery old woman. Thank goodness she did fine and now has a wrapped foot that looks like a “baked potato” according to my husband. (AKA my Mother’s favorite son-in-law…..FYI he’s the only one she has.) Yes, I did rat him out regarding that comment but it didn’t bother her. I guess it’s better than being called old by your daughter. 

I also told the story to my husband. He actually thought there was something wrong with me. I reexplained everything and he still looked at me like I had multiple heads. I told a friend about it and she made a similar face. So I guess it’s me but I still don’t want to accept it.  In my mind my parents are semi-eternal because the alternative is accepting they are older and that the inevitable will happen one day.  

I really relate to the phrase “I like my little world…people know me here.”  So I’m going to just stay as I am in my little world and let everyone else deal in reality (at least when it comes to my parents). They can clean up the messes that happen….because as you know I Don’t Mop. 

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