What Is Hot?

I’m not sure if I have told you all before but I have an amazing 13-year-old daughter with Asperger’s, which is one of the forms of autism. One of the funny things that happen is the way we use words but they don’t always mean the same. I know it’s like this with other children but with her sometimes it can lead to a very funny and awkward conversation.
When we go to see a movie she likes to sit between her father and I. A few months ago we went to see Justice League because we all love action movies. At one point they are showing Cyborg and he is upset about what his father has done to him. She turns to me at this point and says “Wow Cyborg is Hot!” This is the first time I have heard her say something like that so I was in a state of shock the rest of the movie because I realized this was something a typical 13-year-old would say. After the movie, we are sitting in the lobby waiting for my husband to get back from the restroom. I ask her how she liked the movie and she said she loved it. So I asked her about her thinking Cyborg was hot. She said “Don’t you think he’s hot?” and I replied, “Nope, I think Aquaman is hot.” She got this strange look on her face and then said: “What are you talking about he’s not hot.” I guess at this point I was the one with the strange look on my face because she said “Didn’t you see the red in the middle of Cyborg’s chest? It was like fire.” It was then that I realized she was talking about hot as in temperature where I was talking about hot as sexy. Finally, my husband gets done and as we are walking to the car she proceeds to tell her father that she thinks Cyborg is hot because of the red flame but I think Aquaman is hot even though he’s not. So my husband looks at me looks at her and looks back at me and starts laughing. Later in the car, I ask her if she knew why I called Aquaman hot and her response was classic “Because you think he has to stay warm underwater?” So I decided to leave it at that.
I’m telling you most people think that having a child with autism is so hard with not a lot of good times but it is these little moments (especially with a 13-year-old) that make everything worthwhile. Not sure if I should be worried that my husband knows I like Jason Momoa but I’m sure it isn’t shocking since I like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Hugh Jackman too. What I am really happy about is the innocence that my daughter still has because this age is rough especially for the parents. Luckily I think this is one I won’t have to clean up because as you know…I don’t mop!

1992’s Best Movie!

With everything going on in my brain I am feeling nostalgic so this post is because of that.  I hope you will enjoy my trip down memory lane (at least what I can remember of it or have found thanks to the internet).

Recently I met one of my oldest friends (No that does not mean she is old…just that we have known each other for a long time.  Seriously we are not old…so stop thinking that please!!) to see a movie we must have seen at least 10 times when we were younger.  It is a movie full of timeless quotes and great music.  So you are wondering…what is it??  Well I am going to talk about it and at the end, I will let you know but for now, you are going to have to wait. (Don’t slide to the end of the post and look…that is cheating and we all know what happens to cheaters…actually I don’t but maybe someone can enlighten me.)

This movie was a major hit in 1992 (yes that was 25 years ago but it still holds up).  If you are over 40 you might remember it as the year Ross Perot announced he was going to run for President. (anyone remember his co-runner?  Admiral James Stockdale.  The man that started his opening statement at the vice presidential debate with “Who am I?  Why am I here?”  See..our politicians have been idiots for years!)  This was also the year John “The Teflon Boss” Gotti was sentenced to prison.  But it wasn’t only strange items…that is also the year Cartoon Network started and the Mall of America opened.

There was also a lot going on in pop-culture in 1992.  Some other great movies that came out that year include Aladdin, A Few Good Men & The Bodyguard. (Who could ever forget Whitney and Kevin making out on the big screen?  It was epic!)  On TV was Rugrats, The Jerry Spring Show, and The Ren & Stimpy Show.  (Seriously I know as soon as you read that you were singing the Happy Happy Joy Joy song.  If you don’t know that song then look it up on YouTube.  It is a classic!!). For all my tech friends it was also the year Microsoft released Windows 3.1 and Works.  Wow, what a great year!

As for the movie, it was so amazing and again I will say, timeless.  The big bad producer takes advantage of a small-time group of guys and our hero almost loses everything.  Such a tragic tale but lucky for us they provided multiple endings so you can choose the one you like the best.  How wonderful is that because depending on how you were feeling that day you could change the ending to suit your mood.  So…do you know yet?

Here are my favorite totally awesome quotes:

  • “I don’t even own *a* gun, let along many that would necessitate an entire rack”
  • “Get the net!”
  • “Marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries”
  • “Hi. I’m in Delaware”

How about some rocking songs from it:

  • Feed My Frankenstein
  • Ride With Yourself
  • Why You Wanna Break My Heart

OK…I’m sure you know it now.   If not all I can say is “Party on Wayne!  Party on Garth!”  Yes, it is WAYNE’S WORLD!!  Love that movie and I always will.  When we watched it we were playing our drumsticks and air guitars while quoting along with the movie.  If you haven’t seen it I suggest you do but don’t go into it expecting a cinematic masterpiece…just something fun and easy.  Also, don’t bother with the 2nd one…it is a let down compared to the 1st.  (Sorry Mike but it is true.)  Let me know what you think of it in the comments.  Who knows I might actually be inspired to mop.  Yeah right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!!


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