Supplies Are Fun!!

Part of my job is ordering supplies for my staff.  Most people will think it is tedious but I love it.  Mostly because I get to look through this humongous paper or digital catalog at all the different things I can order.  For someone who likes colorful things and the thought of being organized it is like being a kid in a candy shop. Unless it is a big dollar purchase or furniture I can order almost anything.  The best part is that I don’t have to pay for any of it because it is all stuff for my office.  Plus if I get it and it doesn’t really do what I thought it would do or I’m not going to use it I can return it very easily without having to leave my desk.  This is a shoppers dream!!

When I order supplies online they are usually delivered the next business day to the mail room (a magical place…just ask Buddy the Elf).  They put it on a cart and deliver it right to my desk.  It’s like Christmas except that I know what is inside, but not always.  Occasionally they mess up but returns are easy too plus I get to go down to the mail room to ship it back.  (Our mail room doesn’t look the one in Elf at all.  There are no pipes to send the mail up and there are no bins that the staff can lie around in and drink out of a flask. Ours is definitely not the magical one either.)

Here is a list of my favorite items:

  • Binder clips in multiple sizes and in multiple colors. This is important because if I am putting together a packet of stuff I like to use the same color through the packet so it is beautiful and color coordinated.  Plus my boss HATES paperclips so I keep a lot of these on hand.
  • Post-it notes. I have 2 dispensers on my desk because one is my colorful, fun one and the other is ruled like a piece of paper.  You may ask why I need both and my answer is simple.  I just like them plus they serve 2 functions.  If I want to be playful or relaxed I use the colorful ones but if I am being serious I use the ruled ones.  It’s just my way of expressing my emotions.
  • Paper clips are also fun for me. I have metal and plastic ones in a couple of different sizes.  The metal ones are really for one person in my group because they like those.  I love my plastic ones because they are colorful (sensing a trend yet).  Plus I’m the only one on my floor who uses them so when I see them on someone else’s desk I know they have been into my stash.  (Bad people stealing my supplies…I know secretly they want to be like me but that is a bad idea.  As my family would say…the world doesn’t need or deserve another Karen.)
  • Labels and my amazing Label Writer. This is a must-have for my desk and my current one is a “Twin Turbo” so I can have 2 different types of labels in the machine at one time.  It’s an organizers dream.  Currently, I have file folder and address sized labels in the machine but if you look in my cabinet you will see that I have 7 other different sizes available because you never know when you might something different.  Like a badge-sized label or a non-adhesive hanging file tab.  (In will say that I have used the badge label for some things but never for badges…because we don’t need no stinking badges!!)

As I’m writing this I realized that I need to order supplies for my daughter since school starts in a couple of weeks.  I looked at the list and realized that this isn’t fun at all and I know why.  First, I have to pay for this stuff…ugh!!  Second, she is going to want input…double ugh!! Last, I’m going to have to pick it up…NOOOO!!!  I hate going into stores.  Even if it is just to pick up something I ordered and don’t have to actually shop for it.  I just hate the noise, people, trying to find a parking place, etc.  Then if anything has to be returned I feel like it is the same as a walk of death.  More noise, more people and having to explain why I don’t like it…pain in the butt!!  When I have to return something usually one of three things will happen.  Either I will do it myself, beg someone else in the family to do it or (which happens very often) I will just put it away somewhere so I can forget about it.  What is the saying??  “Out of sight.  Out of mind.”  (Lucky for me the out of mind part happens very easily thanks to my dementia.)  My husband is constantly finding items and asking why I kept it and not returned it.  He just doesn’t understand how bad the walk of death is for me but then again he never offered to do it for me either so maybe he does understand how bad it is and doesn’t want to do it himself.  (Hmmm…something to ponder.)

So the next time you need a pick me up ask your office if you can order the supplies and you will see what a blissful experience it can be.  Plus you might even be able to order a mop but don’t bother sending me one because as you can tell from the name of this blog….I Don’t Mop!


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Author: Karen G

Take a look at my introduction post and you will know so much about me!